How To Decrease Your Risk For Breast Cancer

How To Decrease Your Risk For Breast Cancer

The reality is that one in eight American women will develop breast cancer in the course of their lifetime. For those who have yet to be touched, it should not be a waiting game. Not enough is said about what women can do on their own to lower their risk of getting breast cancer in the first place…

The Best Non-Toxic Deodorant

The Best Non-Toxic Deodorant

First thing to know is that you absorb ALL the chemicals you put on your skin directly into your body and eventually into your bloodstream. Given that there are things we do NOT wish to absorb into our organs, here are 7 common ingredients in deodorants and anti-perspirants that we may NOT want to put on our skin…

The Abnormal PAP – Part Two

The Abnormal PAP – Part Two

What if I can’t clear the HPV virus on my own? This is where Functional Medicine can help. We offer lifestyle evaluation, a thorough clinical history and personalized testing that identifies the “root cause” of YOUR impaired immunity.