Take The ExorCIST out of ExerCISE: Are You Over-Training & What Can You Do About It?

Take The ExorCIST out of ExerCISE: Are You Over-Training & What Can You Do About It?

Are You Over-Training? Like it or not, there is a Goldilocks Phenomena for Exercise – just the right amount makes you strong and healthy while TOO much makes you sick and fat. Assuming you were born some time in the last a million years, you know that movement is generally a healthy thing to do. But what you may not know is that OVER-exercising can be even more harmful for you than not exercising and can prevent you from losing weight. Read on for more details…

Juice Cleanses Are Not For Everyone

Juice Cleanses Are Not For Everyone

Ever try a juice cleanse and feel like you had the flu? The worst headache of your life? Massive joint aches and pains? Most juice cleanse enthusiasts will say, “That’s terrific! You are getting rid of your toxins!! No pain no gain!” Well, I beg to differ…