Why All The Hype About CBD? Plus 10 Things Happy People Have In Common
A lot of media attention has exploded about CBD or cannabidiol in the last few years. Touted as a cure-all for almost anything from seizures to anxiety to pain relief and even as a treatment for cancer, what is the real story behind CBD and why is it so popular? Read on to find out the scoop…

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss & 8 Staples for Your Kitchen
Fasting has been practiced in human history as an ancient healing tradition for many, many years. Fasting is a part of many spiritual as well as physical healing/cleansing rituals in many cultures. More and more research on fasting suggests it is a very powerful tool for improving health…

Got Hormone Imbalance?
Have you been told you have hormone imbalance? Let’s explore four reasons why your hormones may be out of whack…

Why Everyone Should Take Magnesium Daily
Everyone seems to be in love with Vitamin D these days. It’s the Marcia, Marcia, Marcia of the vitamin world. But, did you know that D can’t really do it’s job without adequate Magnesium? Read on about some of the awesome benefits of Magnesium and take your health to the next level!

Why You Should Use A Sauna & What Does Being Late All The Time Say About You?
Saunas have been around for hundreds of years and are thought to have healing properties in many cultures. But, there are amazing health benefits you may not know about…
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