by Anita Sadaty | Jun 4, 2019 | Share The Health
So when I first heard about coffee enemas, I was partly intrigued, definitely perplexed and in large part pretty repulsed. But in the integrative space, coffee enemas are considered to be such a powerful yet easy way to get your body to detox that I felt it needed to be investigated. Here’s what I found…
by Anita Sadaty | May 14, 2019 | Share The Health
The vast majority of sunscreen available in the US contain toxic chemicals, many of which are banned in Europe. Therefore, looking for less toxic alternatives is critical…
by Anita Sadaty | Apr 30, 2019 | Share The Health
For those that are interested, a pretty cool study came out that suggests that vitamin D deficiency can lead to pelvic floor issues like bladder and rectal leakage…
by Anita Sadaty | Apr 16, 2019 | Share The Health
Why take a Probiotic? I think my savvy audience is well aware of the benefits of probiotics, but for those of you who are new to the scene, probiotics may help a variety of health conditions: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Inflammatory bowel disease Infectious...
by Anita Sadaty | Apr 2, 2019 | Share The Health
I can sing it’s praises all day long. It’s a mood booster, it makes you smarter, it creates energy and motivation, it restores red blood cell production. It’s the Sham-Wow! of the vitamin world — I know, because I am no stranger to a persuasive infomercial…
by Anita Sadaty | Mar 26, 2019 | Share The Health
The nutrients in an IV drip are directly absorbed into your bloodstream, bypassing the gut. That means that your are receiving 100% of the nutrients present in the drip, directly into your blood and to your body…
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