???? Tip#1: Seven Ways to Curb Sugar Cravings
Most of you are aware that our sugar loving, processed carb-consuming ways spell inflammation and illness for most of us.
- Joint aches and pains?
- Autoimmune disease?
- Hot flashes and night sweats?
- Intestinal discomfort?
- Insomnia?
- Frequent headaches?
- Fatigue?
- Extra weight around the middle? And the top and bottom?
- Can’t do calculus or play the piano?
- It’s all because of sugar. Also Trump. But mainly sugar.
Ever eat one tiny potato chip while standing in front of the pantry and wind up eating the entire Costco-sized bag? Or ever “sample” one peanut M & M and suddenly you finish whatever you find in the Halloween trough meant to sugar addict unsuspecting tricker treaters? I don’t personally know what that’s like but I think there are a few out there who do that sort of thing.
The point is, eating sugar begets more sugar.
Eating carbs beget more carbs.
Wine begets drinking more wine. Which is liquid sugar.
Somehow broccoli doesn’t beget more broccoli but it won’t beget sugar. And I believe I have used up my quota of the word “beget.” The headline here is that you can absolutely work around the sugar cravings, and when I say sugar I mean alcohol, cookies, candies, bread, granola bars, rice, pasta, cereal, and everything else that makes life worth living.
Follow these 7 key steps and Voila!!! Curb those Carb Cravings!!!
Every meal or snack must have some healthy fat and protein. Whole food carbs like veggies, some low-sugar containing fruits, nuts & seeds are super healthy as part of a complete, nutrient dense meal. Processed, sugar-laden junk food is not actually food. So if it doesn’t come directly from the ground, plant or tree, take a pass. Last I checked, there is no peanut M & M tree. Or bread, cookie and cake tree. Or pasta bush for that matter. And I check daily.
Seriously, you must go cold turkey. Ditch the refined sugars, sodas, fruit juices, & artificial sweeteners. It will be rough for 3 days and then you’ll be totally fine. Those around you may not be fine. But you’ll be fine.
Emotional eating is responsible for a lot of the sugar eating. I remember when I was on call at the hospital which can be kind of stressful, I left no carb unturned in the doctor’s lounge. Bagels, chips, abandoned pizza slices, juice, soda. I had it all. Learn to address your stressors and try to bring in stress reducing action steps like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.
Exercise helps to limit cravings by improving natural endorphins and reducing stress. Instead of reaching for a candy bar or bag of chips, just hop on your bike or take a walk outside.
No question, lack of sleep increases sugar cravings. End of story. The studies are clear, people that get less than 8 hours of sleep or are chronically sleep deprived consume more sugar and calories compared to those that get quality sleep.
Every time you eat, you raise your blood sugar level. You also then raise insulin levels. If you are eating processed, refined carbs, this spike in sugar followed by a spike in insulin ultimately leads to a big sugar crash. So if you are one of those that gets hangry pretty easily, or can’t really go more than 2 to 3 hours without a snack (and preferably a carby snack like one of those not so healthy “health” bars or a mocha, frappe, double shot, caramel laden grande latte) you definitely have sugar control issues.
There are supplements that can help you curb carb cravings:
- Vitamin D
- Omega 3 Fish oil
- 5HTP (precursor amino acid to serotonin)
- Glutamine (another amino acid)
- Adrenal support formulas
- Fiber: Eating or adding plenty of fiber with and between meals will reduce sugar spikes and reduce hunger signals by making you fuller faster. Look for fiber boosters like modified citrus pectin, glucomannan, and partially hydrolyzed guar gum to name a few. Your microbiome will also thank you for feeding it some awesome prebiotic action!!
That’s a catchy title no? Hold on to your hats people….
Researchers at the University of Bergen have discovered a dramatic connection between gum disease and Alzheimer´s disease. And for those of you who don’t know, U of B is located in Norway – “an internationally recognized research university that offers degrees in geography, languages, music, natural science and gingerbread house artistry.”
Gingivitis, which is a bacterial inflammation of the gums, can actually lead to bacterial migration up to the brain, producing a protein that destroys brain cells.
The good news is that there may be some things you can do to either slow down or prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Can you guess what that is?
Brush your teeth and floss for better memory.
Visit your dentist regularly.
Stop eating candy for Pete’s sake.
Take vitamins to improve dental health. This last part was my idea, not the Norwegian researchers at the ginger bread capital of the world. They are working on a drug for this.
Here is my list of teeth vitamins: (warning, you may grow extra teeth if you over do this list)
Calcium – big shock, who knew. Except everyone. Everyone knew.
What to Eat: Leafy green veggies, wild fish, broccoli
Vitamin D helps absorb the calcium you need for your teeth
What to Eat: Get sun or supplement
Potassium prevents your blood from becoming too acidic which leaches calcium from your teeth and bones.
- What to Eat: Bananas, citrus fruits, lima beans, tomatoes, potatoes, swiss chard, sweet potatoes, avocado and prunes. All at once.
Vitamin K (honestly, the real hero of the tooth industry – works for the tooth fairy apparently)
- What to Eat: Leafy greens like kale, collards, spinach, parsley, broccoli and Brussel sprouts
Vitamin C (ever hear of scurvy? That’s when your teeth fall out of your head. Avoid this. Have an orange or 3)
- What to Eat: citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, clementines, grapefruit, tangerines, also potatoes and leafy green veggies
Vitamin A prevents dry mouth and helps your mouth heal quickly. Also great for the immune system.
- What to Eat: fish, egg yolks, liver, leafy greens (spinach, kale, collards) or orange colored fruits like, apricots, cantaloupe, pumpkin. There is an obvious one I feel like I’m missing. Oh, carrots and sweet potatoes. I feel like there is a fruit that is also orange colored I haven’t listed…….I’ll get it……TANGERINE. No….huh….
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Ready for the legal disclaimer? Information offered here is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. As with any health recommendation, please contact your doctor to be sure any changes you wish to consider are safe for you!