Five Tips For Keeping The Vagina Clean and Fresh
— By Dr. Lucy GadeSpring cleaning for the vagina? Yes! While everyone is focusing on decluttering and establishing order in their home, I realized that the bulk of office visits recently has been for vaginitis [ie, inflammation of the vagina]. In lay terms, itchy, irritated, discharging female parts with or without odor. As a result, I have come up with five basic (Spring) cleaning health tips to help us girls feel fresh as we head into summer.
Five Tips for keeping the vagina clean and fresh during the spring and beyond!
1) Cleaning: AVOID soaps, cleansers, body washes and douches. Do not rub the area with cloths, sponges, or use deodorants and sprays. When toileting, avoid baby wipes and consider a bidet or “Tushy” attachment for your toilet to help with hygiene.
- Use your hands to clean your vulva. Invest in a hand held shower if you don’t have one and be as aggressive as you want with the water stream.
- Pat your vagina with a towel to dry and consider using a paper towel to get the excess moisture off.
- PUT YOUR UNDERWEAR ON LAST! That little bit of moisture is NOT going to “evaporate” and if you are prone to irritation (especially yeast), even this little bit of moisture can trigger VAGINITIS.
2) Laundry: AVOID tight synthetic clothing. Wear cotton underwear when possible but NO UNDERWEAR WHEN YOU ARE SLEEPING!
- GO COMMANDO (no underwear) whenever possible. Once you are home, take it off! Change into loungewear, nightgown, maxi dress, big t-shirt, boxers or sweats without panties. Your lady parts need to BREATHE.
- Change out of sweaty clothing ASAP. This means that if you are at the gym and don’t have time to shower, you have an extra pair of panties to change into. [NEVER go to the gym COMMANDO]
- At the beach or pool, change into a dry set of clothes
- Use a gentle (preferably environmentally friendly) laundry detergent whenever possible.

Vaginitis: Period Care and Sexual Activity
3) Period care: AVOID wearing pantyliners/pads when you do not have your period, even if you feel you need to because of excess discharge. DO NOT DOUCHE. And, do NOT put a tampon in to stop discharge from coming out. [Side Note, the Always brand feminine products are particularly irritating – don’t use them!]
- Try to use only non-fragrant organic cotton products. [See www.lola.com for an online prescription service for natural feminine products-female owned and a portion of the proceeds goes to providing products to the third world.]
4) Sexual Activity: The usual causes of vaginitis are NOT sexually transmitted. Treatment of sexual partners is NOT NECESSARY to prevent recurrence. But, if you are concerned, always use condoms to protect against STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections). You can have intercourse while you are undergoing treatment for vaginitis, but most treatments are topical and can be messy.
- Use water based lubricants that do not further disrupt the vaginal environment. Uber lube is one that I highly recommend. It can be found in the office.
- If using condoms, consider trying non-latex condoms to rule out latex sensitivity as a potential trigger or source of your symptoms.
- Get checked for STIs annually or before engaging with a new sexual partner.
Vaginitis: Hair Removal
5) Hair Removal: AVOID shaving or waxing when you are having symptoms. Don’t share razors. Be mindful of what you are using as a lathering agent when shaving (soap, shaving cream, etc.). These products may also trigger irritation and subsequent infections. DO:- Use a fresh razor each time you shave.
- Consider more permanent hair removal options such as Laser Hair Removal, which is less irritating and less likely to cause “ingrown hairs.”
★ Recurrent Vaginal Infections:
If you are among the 5-9% of women who have recurrent vaginal infections (defined as three or more infections in a year), along with the above advice, consider:- Using a daily VAGINAL probiotic, such as Proflora Women’s to help re-establish the vaginal balance that is the root of most infections.
- Contact our office to learn more about our 6-week rebalancing protocol to stop your misery.
- ➔ For some patients, vaginal laser therapy with FemiLift, can be a permanent solution.

First off love the name of this article and super informative thank you for taking the time to write these helpful tips!
You’re so welcome
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Dr G