Three Daily Detox Tips for Everyone!
Let’s talk about what you can do to help your body get rid of toxins. And let me just add that if you breathe air, drink water, eat food and live in the world, you need to detox!- Eat 5-7 servings of vegetables a day — Balance between cooked and raw. Why cooked? because if you have one of those genes that are inefficient, you do NOT want to be boosting up your phase one detox all willy nilly. Why raw? Because some nutrients are preserved in the raw state and not in a cooked state. What about the whole raw vegetables in a juice dilemma? Juicing strips the veggies of the fiber that will put the brake on how much “juice” gets into your system at once. Not to mention the fiber in whole vegetable form feeds your good gut bacteria the polyphenols they need to grow and protect you. And let’s face it, you really need to nourish and pay attention to your little gut critters. Let them know that you appreciate them! Throw ’em a bone with some fruit and vegetable love!!
- Exercise 30 minutes a day, 4 to 5 days a week — Exercise happens to up-regulate (meaning stimulates the expression of) THOUSANDS of beneficial detox genes. I mean, really. What else can do that? As if you needed yet another reason to exercise….here ya go! ✓
- Vitamin C — I do a lot of blood testing for nutrients and anti-oxidants. I’ve stopped testing Vitamin C because everyone is low or low normal. You seriously need to get Vitamin C into your system to assist your detoxification pathways. Liposomal vitamin C is very well absorbed and very effective — 1000mg once or twice a day. If you are constipated by the way, you can keep increasing your vitamin C until you get the bowel movement of your dreams. And if you really could use some energy boosting, immune system help and detox support — IV (intravenous) vitamin C is da bomb!! (Dr. Sadaty…bringing back the 80’s! Do you get extra detoxing if you wear a fanny pack? —Ed.) Pair this with IV Glutathione, the master liver detoxifier, and your liver will thank you!