You may be saying to yourself, Ewwwwww! and what is she TALKING about now? – I just had lunch!
Yes, I said it. A Parasite. The thought of this may be unpleasant, or your worst nightmare. And I’ll admit, it’s downright disgusting, but here’s the thing…
Having a parasite is WAY more common than you think. And it could be related to many other seemingly unrelated ailments. Depending on the type of parasite, an infection can cause massive inflammation, brain fog, digestive troubles, chronic fatigue, and a variety of other issues. Parasitic infections are an often overlooked, yet can be a crucial step in overcoming chronic health issues. Especially in stubborn cases where someone just can’t seem to get well, or move the needle on their health challenges. Put another way, when nothing else is working, think Parasite!
Parasites are organisms that live inside your body and feed off of the food you eat, and even parts of your body. Some examples include roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, pinworms, lice, Giardia, Blastocystis hominis, Toxoplasma gandi, liver flukes and Schistosoma. Some are visible with the naked eye. Some are microscopic. Some eat the food you consume, others can leave you anemic by chowing down on your red blood cells. Some lay eggs that can cause itching and insomnia, like pinworms. Some are responsible for bad hair days and the errant chin hair that appears out of nowhere when you are least likely to be within reach of a tweezer. They come in many shapes and sizes and can live inside of you for YEARS without you knowing it. So rude.
Having a parasite is no longer just from visiting an underdeveloped country on an exotic vacation. This is something you can get from your friendly neighborhood dog or cat. How about the local eatery? Maybe some not so well filtered water. It is far more common than expected. Some of the more common ways to contract parasites include:
- Drinking contaminated food and water
- Eating undercooked meat
- Consuming unclean or contaminated fruits and vegetables
- Walking barefoot outside in the dirt
- Swimming in infected lakes, ponds or creeks.
- Handling animals
- If someone is infected with a parasite, they can then pass it on to others if they don’t wash hands after using a bathroom and leave little eggs on anything they touch, like a phone, a door handle, a menu!! It just gets better and better people.
The point is, it is very easy to catch and transmit parasites even in this day and age of indoor plumbing, water purification, toilet paper and Netflix. Yeah Netflix. It’s not relevant yet I felt the need to include it for completeness. Other risk factors for contracting parasites:
- Poor sleep
- Overuse of antibiotics
- Poor diet
- Owning pets. Even Chia pets (kidding people, Pets, yes. Chia Pets, no!)
- Not washing your produce effectively.
- Traveling to underdeveloped countries. Like New Jersey.
There are many different kinds of parasites that can lead to an assorted array of symptoms. Here are some clues that you may have a parasite:
- You have unexplained constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, nausea or have been diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). What I find interesting is that most doctors don’t necessarily check patients for these infections because just like you, they think of parasites as not “first world” problems. And even if you were tested, most likely the local routine lab test wouldn’t show anything helpful. Standard stool cultures and microscopy tests are basically worthless at catching intestinal infections. It may be helpful to run more sensitive testing like the GI MAP to find out if your gut symptoms are related to unwanted trespassers. Please note that even better quality testing may not identify parasites in your system.
- You traveled internationally and got traveler’s diarrhea on your trip — like this NEVER EVER HAPPENS. Wake up people!! This is like every trip right? How do YOU know what kind of craziness happens on planes and restaurants and hotels? Or heaven forbid your crazy hoarding aunt Harriet with the 12 cats?
- Past food poisoning: You had food poisoning and your digestion has not been the same since. This is classic. After the initial event, you continue to experience some level of gut distress. Why, do you ask? Because You. Are. Not. Alone!!!! (On a positive note, you can at least tell your mother that you’re “dating” —Ed.)
- Insomnia: You have trouble falling asleep or you wake up multiple times during the night. This may be because the parasite causes physical discomfort or because it’s a nocturnal beast.
- Anemia: This is commonly related to blood loss through the stool or from the parasite actually eating your red blood cells. It’s like the cast of the Walking Dead. Except…no apocalypse, no zombies. And you don’t have to wear the same clothes for 90 episodes.
- Skin irritations or unexplained rashes, hives, rosacea or eczema. Are you chronically itching, rashing and hiving without significant improvement with treatment?
- Bruxism: You grind your teeth in your sleep. By the way, toxins released by intestinal parasites can also lead to anxiety. These toxins interact with your neurotransmitters leading to mood swings, nervousness and grinding of the teeth at night.
- Joint and Muscle Pains: Why? Because these parasites can actually invade the joint space, release inflammatory toxins and impact movement and range of motion.
- Brain symptoms – Examples include: fatigue, exhaustion, mood changes, depression, personality shifts, headaches and memory issues. This is partly related to anemia. But is also due to toxins released by the parasites that alter brain neurochemistry. You can totally use “the parasite made me do it!” as an excuse for anything. It totally works. I got a free Dunkin’ Donuts coffee once. They also told me never to come back, so…..you win some, you lose some.
- Appetite changes: You never feel satisfied or full after your meals, especially if this is accompanied by weight loss. On the flip side, nausea and gas are common symptoms that can reduce hunger levels.

What’s the next step?
WARNING! The following content is RATED P (for Poop Advisory) Not for uptight adults or anyone wearing salmon-colored pants. Boys under the age of 75 and Girls under 8 are good to go.
Aside from being completely turned off by the whole prospect of housing a parasite, all I can assuredly say is, it’s better that these things be out than in. Literally. I have treated several patients for these critters recently — when basic functional medicine work didn’t do the trick — and boy…you can’t imagine what they have been seeing exit their systems!
It is a good idea to start with advanced stool testing like the GI MAP test that I mentioned earlier. However, that those tests may not pick up ALL parasites within your system. These organisms may cling to your intestinal wall and not really slough off into your poop. They may reside higher up in your digestive tract like in your bile ducts and liver. Like the famed Liver Fluke. So called because, well, they like the liver. Much like Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs, but without the Fava beans. The point is that although advanced stool testing *may* be of value, it doesn’t exclude the presence of parasites.
There are some basic steps to take to start addressing the beasts within:
- Avoid sugar. They love the sweets.
- Fasting and Cleansing frequently — starve them out I say!
- Look into anti-microbial herbs and supplements — artemisia, mimosa pudica, wormwood, neem, grapefruit seed, vidanga, tribulus, oregano, garlic, black walnut are all examples of formulas that may be helpful in killing parasites.
- Antiparasitic prescription medications — very helpful strategy especially if you have identified a specific parasite through stool testing or biopsy.
- Detoxification support — by removing toxins you allow your immune system the room to deal with foriegn invaders instead of having to focus on toxic cleanup.
- Heal the gut — strengthening the gut defenses against parasites is a great strategy to eliminate parasites.
- Empower your immune system
- Balance your stress hormones — if you are under chronic stress, you can’t kill unwanted visitors.
✚ Contact your doctor to find out if a parasite could be behind your symptoms.
Now these are not necessarily things you would do on your own without professional guidance. But knowing that this may be something to assess is the first step.
Contact your doctor to find out if a parasite could be behind your symptoms. As functional medicine MD’s, we are happy to help. Check out our functional medicine wellness programs. If you are carrying around a bunch of freeloaders, and not referring to your children or spouses (Sorry, I can’t help you there), then give us a shout. 516.801.1313
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For more information about my wellness programs and my practice, check out my website drsadaty.com. Hey Look! You are already here…
Ready for the legal disclaimer? Information offered here is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. As with any health recommendations, please contact your doctor to be sure any changes you wish to consider are safe for you!
Hilarious once again! And very helpful, thank you .
Love your articles, look forward to more : )
Any thoughts on using ivermectin (yes the horse paste) to treat internal parasites? I started taking it for a virus I’m fighting. (Hubby takes it for stage 4 cancer) and strangely a horrible stomach issue I had been having completely disappeared!!! I had no idea I had been dealing with a parasite. Anyway I’m thrilled. So much awesome testing and studies done on ivermectin for covid and cancer. Best wishes.
How do you know how much to take
Contact your doctor to find out what’s right for you!
How do you know how much to take.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Contact your doctor to find out what’s right for you!
it goes by weight there are measurement markers on the plunger of the dose syringe . I am not a doctor but please read all the labels as some wormers are toxic for humans.
Did u take the ivermectin paste? How long? And how much did u take?? I kno I’ve had parasites for 10 plus years a holistic doctor told me but my primary ran a stool test and didn’t see it so it was lft at that
Ivermectin is great. I’ve been taking it and I had diarrhea a week or so later passed red worms
This comment could be the definition of TMI. lol
I’ve been having issues with everything you mentioned since 1981 and all these Drs. Over the yrs. have yet to do anything about it. Why don’t they listen and read the damn chart before they decide to put a person on some kind of medicine that clearly isn’t or hasn’t worked. Take this or try that, increase/ decrease medicine to keep paying their high- end wages so they get the care and wealth, health- and us a patient suffer & get worse. It’s neglect & malpractice if you ask me.
I have a parasite and will be on a 10 day wormwood, grape extract treatment…
Has anyone heard of TMJ related to parasites??