This graph show THREE groups of people following SARS-Cov2 exposure.

GROUP ONE represents the number of people getting sick or who show signs of sickness.

GROUP TWO represents the number of people from Group ONE who end up hospitalized.

GROUP THREE is the number of people who are hospitalized that need a ventilator

Why is this important? Because focusing on getting respirators for Group THREE completely misses the opportunity to PREVENT Group ONE (sick) and TWO people (really sick) from getting into Group THREE (need a ventilator).

Read on if you DO NOT want to be in Group THREE.


If only we knew how serious this was going to be. Hindsight is 20/20. A “saying” I actually can’t stand. Maybe I’m not interested in 20/20? According to my make-up mirror 20/20 is a horror show. What’s legally blind? That’s the lens through which I need to be applying my make-up these days. Who am I kidding? WHAT MAKE-UP? What underwear? What shower?
Given how contagious this virus is, it’s not a matter of “IF” you get sick, but “WHEN” you get sick. This is the whole concept behind “flattening the curve.” We are all getting it. The authorities just want to spread it out over a longer period of time to give the hospitals a chance to have available resources. What do we know from the news?
  • We need 30,000 respirators.
  • Flatten the curve. Stay Home!!
  • We need more hospital beds to care for the onslaught of critically ill people.
  • Don’t wear a mask, no wait, wear a mask, but not a home mask. Okay make your own mask. Just not a bandana. Oh right, we said bandana. Only bandanas!
Is that the plan we are going with? Focus on when you need a respirator and never leave your home? This is seriously the best that we can do?
Flattening the curve is not helping you survive Covid-19. Having a ventilator available to you is not a game plan. If you DO need a ventilator, you have a 15% chance of survival. FIFTEEN PERCENT. This is a plan for the worst case scenario. Once again, this is not prevention, this is disaster management.
Don’t be in the group of people that need a ventilator. You can prevent this. (More on this later)


In general, we are told that the 20% of people who get infected end up in the HOSPITAL (Group 2). Here are the risk factors for being in the 20% pile.
  • OLDER people (>60 years old)
  • If you are OVERWEIGHT BMI > 30 (now’s a good time to calculate your BMI) — 33% in the US are obese
  • If you have diabetes (10% of US population is diabetic, another 30% have pre-diabetes)
  • If you have cardiovascular disease (almost 20% of us have this in one form or another)
  • If you are immunocompromised (this is such a broad category including people with cancer, chronic infections, autoimmunity, etc.)
  • Lung conditions (asthma, allergies, emphysema, COPD, etc)
As of the writing of this post which is 12 minutes ago – here are the numbers…
  • Over 1.3 million confirmed cases (369,000 US)
  • 76,000 deaths (3500 US)
  • 292,000 recovered (20,000 in US)


IF your IMMUNE system is robust and your Natural Killer Cells are kick-ass, you will NOT get into Group 3 — the critically ill patient who may need a ventilator.

This is not just me talking. The science is there that says our immune system can protect us from getting critically sick. People that are younger, healthy, free of disease and inflammation have robust natural killer cells. And anyone can move the needle AWAY from getting sick. The more diseases you have, the more likely you are to need a ventilator. You have an opportunity to lower your risk.

You may not be able to age backward like the annoying J. Lo, who at the time of this post is probably celebrating her Sweet 16. She’s like Benjamin Botones. But, you CAN do a lot to reverse disease and inflammation minus the aging backwards thing.

» Focus on how to LOWER your risk of inflammation and how to SUPPORT your immune system. So you don’t need a ventilator.


This virus isn’t killing random people. It’s killing people that have high levels of inflammation and low levels of immune system resilience. And here in the good old, Big Mac eating, Big Gulp drinking, Marbolo smoking, big-time stressing, not-at-all sleeping, not venturing out of the basement, too much WI-FI using, pesticide poisoned, chemical crap in our water and air, on 12 medications a day United States Of America. Truth is, we are LOADED with inflammation, toxicity and other things that decimate our immune systems.


I find it odd that we are not getting any advice from our medical establishment or our government on how to prevent getting critically ill. Other than hide in quarantine indefinitely and flatten the curve, which as we just discussed doesn’t improve your chances of surviving should you get sick, the only other solid piece of advice from our government is drink wine. (Well, the wine part may not be the government’s specific strategy, that actually *might* be mine.)

What I will say is that all of us, but especially those of us that have any one of the risks mentioned above, can be doing more to protect ourselves than just hiding in quarantine and hoping for the best. Hope is not a strategy. Having a plan is…which bring us to:


You’ve heard of CYTOKINE STORM right? (See Chart Above) That’s when the viral infection induces our own immune system to creating unmitigated inflammation. So much inflammation that our tissue starts to get destroyed, especially in our lungs where the virus grabs hold.

The people that are STARTING OUT with lower levels of INFLAMMATION, will not reach this cytokine storm catastrophe.

The people that start out with HIGH LEVELS OF INFLAMMATION will unfortunately get to the runaway inflammation level where the lungs become severely injured and may not recover.



» GET 8 HOURS OF SLEEP A NIGHT — sleep increases melatonin. Melatonin increases your white blood cell ability to fight pathogens. Get sleep. Not negotiable.


  • PROCESSED FOOD AND THINGS MADE OF FLOUR OR GRAINS — you know, all the stuff that people have raced to get off the supermarket shelves. I haven’t seen on a run on celery or lettuce or apples. But try to get a loaf of bread, brownie or pancake mix or a box of pasta. CARBS that are processed will inflame you.
  • SUGAR INFLAMES YOU. Even too much sugary FRUIT. Avoid dried fruit, too many bananas, mangos, and grapes.
  • CAKE, COOKIES, BROWNIES AND ALL THINGS WORTH LIVING FOR….. ALCOHOL– Don’t shoot the messenger but it is a sugar and a liver toxin.
  • GO ORGANIC — (if possible) and the DIRTY DOZEN (a list that tells you which fruits and veggies have the HIGHEST PESTICIDES).


  • If you are eating many meals and snacks throughout the day and get hangry, your blood sugar is not in balance.
  • If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, your blood sugar is not balanced.


Chronic stress reduces cortisol receptors on cell surfaces. Cortisol is one way that our body stops inflammation. Stress lowers that ability to lower inflammation. This could raise you baseline level of inflammation to a cytokine storm if your inflammation starts out high.


Check out this post called “The Building Blocks of a Healthy Diet” — boost your immunity by focusing on foods that replete all the nutrients and minerals and vitamins necessary for a strong immune system. (Cliff Notes: Mushrooms, citrus fruits, cauliflower, carrots, egg yolks, cinnamon, kale, watermelon, and fiber.)

  • Drink plenty of fluids, warm is good. Drink herbal teas like ginger daily. Drink a bottle of filtered water a few times a day. Avoid concentrated fruit juices and sweetened beverages, as the sugar content is harmful for the immune system.
  • Add protein to each meal. Proteins are key to building up a strong immune and detoxification system. Organic, clean, and lean animal protein as well as plant-based (legumes, nuts/seeds) proteins are important to include with each meal.
  • Add garlic, onions, ginger, and lots of spices (oregano, turmeric) to your meals. Garlic and onions offer wide spectrum anti-infection properties and they feed your good bacteria to protect you from invaders.
  • Eat 7-10 servings of colorful fruits and vegetables high in vitamins C, A, and phytonutrients to support the immune system. Choose leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale and cauliflower), red or orange peppers, sweet potatoes, and a variety of squashes. Mostly veggies!!!
  • Consider FASTING. Fasting helps your body clean up toxicity. It boosts immunity. It increases gluathione. It lowers inflammation. Consider intermittent fasting to start. More details here: Intermittent Fasting


Mild to moderate exercise (for approximately 30-45 minutes) boosts the immune system. Don’t over train!!! If you feel tired after a work out you have done too much and may have run down your immune system.

» SUPPLEMENTS for Adult Immune Support

Obviously check with your physician before taking on any supplement support recommendations.

  • Multivitamin/Mineral: This is the foundation for a healthy immune system. If you aren’t on a good multivitamin you should get and stay on one. Look for a high-quality, broad-spectrum multivitamin and mineral.
  • Vitamin D3: Adequate vitamin D status is critical for optimal immune function and this isn’t happening without supplementation during the winter months. Check your levels of 25 OH vitamin D for optimal dosing. Aim for a serum level closer to 60 ng/dl for most. Many need 5,000 IU or more of vitamin D3 a day in the winter. Start with 2,000 IU for adults, 1,000 IU for children.
  • Vitamin C: The role of vitamin C in supporting the immune system cannot be overstated. It jacks up your natural killer cells (your special anti-virals and reduces inflammation–a double threat!) Take 500-1,000 mg 3 to 4 times a day to “bowel tolerance.” This means, back off the dose if you get diarrhea.
  • Zinc: Seafood—especially oysters—red meat, and pumpkin seeds are the best food sources. Take 30 mg per day.
  • Probiotics: A healthy gut flora supports a healthy gut, and strengthens your immune system. It crowds out infectious pathogens.
  • Fish Oil: Reduces inflammation and supports immune health. Aim for 2 to 3 grams a day of EPA and DHA total.
  • Vitamin A: Critical to immune function and gut health. Aim for 5 -10,000 IU a day, less than 7500 IU a day if pregnant.
  • Natural Anti-Viral/Anti-Bacterial Herbs: I’m a fan o these two products in particular. All in one. TH1 support and/or Innate Immune.
  • NAC and glutathione: master liver detoxifiers that help reduce inflammation. particularly important to take if your are sick.


  • If you are in a high risk group.
  • If you are on chronic medications.
  • If you have any symptoms related to inflammation (headaches, weight gain, fatigue, joint aches and pains, autoimmune issues, hormone imbalance issues, insomnia, hypoglycemia, chronic fatigue, period irregularities, gut issues like GERD, reflux, IBS, Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, bloating after meals, constipation or diarrhea
  • If you have auto-immunity, or anything that bothers you about your health, you are likely dealing with inflammation.
  • Work with someone (like…ME) to evaluate your personal health, nutrition, lifestyle and medical issues thoroughly. Together we will devise a program specific to your needs and your issues. Call our office and inquire about my OPTIMAL HEALTH program. Read on for more details.
Here’s A Special I’m Running:

Optimize Your Health In 60 Minutes With A Personalized Immunity Boost Program!

Now is the time to be PROACTIVE about your health.

It is more important than ever to take better care of ourselves and to understand how to protect our health and vitality. Now is the time to change your risk profile and create healthy strategies to weather the storm. I have created a QUICK FIX 60 MINUTE CREATE YOUR BEST HEALTH Functional Medicine Program to get you and your family on the road to immune health and extraordinary wellness.

Together we will:

  • Find out what is keeping you from being your healthiest self
  • Create a nutrition plan to Maximize Health and Optimize Your Immunity
  • Create an exercise regimen that promotes YOUR individual health and wellness (there is no one size fits all here)
  • Create a strategy to keep you healthy and your immune system in peak performance
  • Take advantage of the most relevant and up to date information to keep you healthy

Here Are The Steps:

  1. Fill out a ONE PAGE intake form
  2. SCHEDULE a telemedicine or phone appointment
  3. THAT’S IT! Really. That’s all you need to do.

What You Receive:

  1. A 30-minute session to pinpoint the drivers of disease and create your personalized health plan
  2. A 30-minute health coaching call with our on-staff nutritionist
  3. Lifestyle recommendations for the right exercise, the right sleep and the right de-stressing regimens that you can do in your own home
  4. Personalized supplementation to address your specific health and wellness needs
  5. Recommendations for vitamin and nutrient support to boost immunity

Program Price: $199 (Normally $450 – Save 44%!)

It is more critical than ever to take the steps you need to GET healthy and STAY healthy!!!

Call 516.801.1313 or email us at contact@drsadaty.com today!

That’s All Folks!!! Stay Well Everybody!!