Juice Cleanses Are NOT For Everyone!
Ever try a juice cleanse and feel like you had the flu? …the worst headache of your life? …massive joint aches and pains? …the desire to strangle Bambi should the beloved Disney character happen to look at you the wrong way? Most juice cleanse enthusiasts will say, “That’s terrific! You are getting rid of your toxins!! No pain no gain!” Well, I beg to differ. If you have experienced this type of unpleasant reaction in the past or if you are considering doing a juice cleanse in the future, here is some important information before jumping in, well, “straw first.”
You may not be able to detox efficiently
Some of us (and by some, I mean nearly 50% of the population) carry certain genes that are not so efficient at detoxification. If your genes make detox enzymes that aren’t built as efficiently as others, your ability to get rid of toxins will be hampered. Here’s a little biology. There are two major phases of detox in your liver: Thing 1 and Thing 2. Well, I mean, Phase 1 and Phase 2. Juicing can speed up Phase 1 by rapidly delivering the anti-oxidants and vitamins found in all of those raw fruit and vegetable extracts. Sound like a good idea to speed up detox? Well…not so much.

You may be creating more dangerous toxic breakdown products
Phase 1 converts your “run of the mill” toxins into SUPER TOXINS as they wait for Phase 2 to kick in. Phase 2 is the part where these heavy duty toxins become neutralized and packaged to get out of your body. What if your Phase 2 liver detox is busy clearing out other toxic crap in your body? What if your Phase 2 liver enzymes are inefficient? What happens to those SUPER TOXINS created during Phase 1? Well, they start roaming around your body looking to create some havoc. And, if you feel like crap during a juice cleanse, that means that you have surpassed your body’s ability to HANDLE the toxins being released into your system. This is No Bueno. My advice: unless you are pretty sure you don’t have a lot of toxicity — proceed with caution.
If you want to do a juice cleanse, make sure to listen to your body’s signals and heed it’s warning. If you feel badly, it’s because bad things are happening. Look at Tip # 2 for Safe Daily Detox strategies for everyone.
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Ready for the legal disclaimer? Information offered here is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. As with any health recommendations, please contact your doctor to be sure any changes you wish to consider are safe for you!